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Creating and Editing Listings

To create a web listing, new Advisers should click the "Become an Adviser" button at the top of the home page. Existing Advisers can go to Create Listing from the My Account page to create additional listings and edit existing listings. Be sure to review the Content Guidelines before creating your listing to ensure that your listing's content follows our policies!

During the listing creation process, you will need to:
  • Choose a category and topic. If your potential customers would be looking for a female Adviser, for example, select Find Women as your category. Please be sure that each of your listings is relevant to the topic you have chosen.
  • Enter a title. No single word in your listing's title may be more than 40 characters long.
  • Describe your service. You can use up to 16,000 characters (about 2,200 words)
  • Include HTML to customize the sizes, shapes, and colors in your description!
  • Name your price. Enter the price per minute that you want callers to this listing to pay.
  • Add small a photo. Listing photos appear in 95x95 pixels. 
  • Add large photo max width 725 pixels.  This is optional.
  • Select your call joining options
You can create one Live Listing per topic as long as the content is relevant to the topic and conforms to the guidelines set forth in Content Guidelines.

Once your listing has been reviewed by our staff and accepted, customers can either search specifically for your Member Name or find you in our directory.  You can see your listing's status on the My Account page.  There are three listing statuses:
  1. Pending - Pending review by staff
  2. Accepted - Our staff has approved the this listing and it will be displayed for clients to see
  3. Rejected - The listing needs to be changed.  To see what needs to be changed just click on the link to your listing on the My Account page then click on the link that says Click Here to See the Explanation.  Then click on the Edit Link to make the needed changes and resubmit the listing for approval.
Customizing Your Listing or Adding Photos to your Listing:

On the Listing Edit/Create Page, "Describe Your Service" has directions to insert custom HTML.  This can include additional photos or even video but these addition items must reside on another server.   If you don't know how to do this a Web Designer can help you.

We currently do not have a function for adding additional photos. 

My Home Page

You have a home page that has links to all of your listings.  To see it click on the link with your member name at the top of your listing.  To edit your home page go to My Account > My Listings > View Details and click Edit My Home Page .

To Change Listing Availability, Price and Greeting Go to My Listings>View Details
