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Multiple Adviser Accounts - Linked Accounts
Setting up Linked Accounts:

  1. Advisers that establish a good track record will be able to create multiple accounts and link them together.   If you have a good track record contact customer support to take advantage of this feature.
  2. To create a new account: Logout if you are already logged in then click on Become an Adviser then click on Start Now (You will need to use a different email address for each new account)
  3. Customer support will set up one of your accounts as the main account
  4. Once your accounts have been created logon to your main account and just go to My Account > Linked Accounts 
  5. Enter the member name and password the click submit for each account that you want linked to your main account

Once your accounts have been linked just go to My Account > Linked Accounts to see all of your accounts at once.  For each account your balance, missed calls, unread mail, missed calls and availability are displayed.

There are 2 ways to change availability for all linked accounts:

  1. Click on the button in My Account > Linked Accounts saying Taking Calls or Not Taking Calls will change availability for the linked accounts but not for the owner account.
  2. Send a text message to change availability for all accounts at once including the owner account provided the default phone number is the same for all of the accounts

How to change your availability of all accounts at once with one text message:

If you have Caller ID, you can change your availability via a text message.  For directions go to My Account and click on    next to: You can also text your availability.

Accessing the Linked Accounts:

  • From My Account > Linked Accounts just click on the member name link to go into the account.  From there you are able to access all functions.

  • To return to the owner account just click on the return link on the top of the page

  • Once the accounts are linked you must access all accounts via the main account to use functions such as "edit Check", "Transaction Details" and "Edit Personal Info"

Email Setup for Linked Accounts:

Each account you setup needs a unique email address.  To have all emails go to one common email address in addition to the unique address, go to My Account > Edit Person info and enter the email address in Your CC Email Address.  This will cause all emails to go the both your primary and CC email address.


You have to enter payment information for each girl in Edit Check.  The eCheck address should be the same for each girl.  Only the account owner can see or change pay info for linked accounts.
